
Thursday, September 11, 2008

Unhappy baby

Remember the pictures of lizzy for her two month birthday... well here's one of our outtakes. We have one extremely unhappy baby. I dont know why i took the pic probably because I was already focused on her. Of course it didn't last too long. She was happy again once she finished her bottle. I was actually shocked that she let me take pictures of her awake and with no paci in her mouth. She's very fond of it, kind of like maddie was for a few months. I was about to go out and buy one of them pretty sparkly ones just for pictures LOL. Thankfully she let me take some without a paci.

Well I dont have much more to report today. I've been kind of layin around today. Lizzy is back to being up half the night again. And Ayden is in my room for a little while until I get the guts to have Paul put him back upstairs to his room since the surgery. And he decided probably like 2am that he wanted to play. Of course just after I finally get Lizzy down for a while. Naturally. So I'm gonna go watch some TV with Paul or do absolutely nothing LOL. Me do nothing.. thats funny. Have a great day girls.


Jess said...

Awww! I am weird, I love pics of crying babies!

I hope Ayden and Lizzy both sleep like angels for you tonight so you can get some rest.

Stacey said...

She's adorable!

Becky said...

Someday these sleep-deprived days will be only a memory. Of course when I was going through them that was no comfort. :-D

Margaret said...

So adorable -- even when crying! :)

Suzy said...

awwwwww but she's so sweet! I always add a realistic crying shot or two in my kids baby books. Gotta prove to them (later on) that they were not the perfect children they will theink they were. :)..

Gypsy Girl(Brenda) said...

I hope you get some sleep. I think outtakes are so fun.