
Sunday, October 5, 2008

Goofy Kids

So when I had everything out the other day to take them pictures of Lizzy for 3 months Arianna grabed this fabric I had out. Now the idea was when I bought it was to wrap a baby in it. Of course not Lizzy but I just took everything out of the van from Logan's shoot last week. So it came with us too outside. So she preceded to wrap herself up with it and of course what does mommy do. She snaps a few pictures of her. So cute. And of course she gave me one of her classic Arianna faces.

So i decided to watch some football today. And i've discovered that if Paul ever decides that I need to be knowledgable in football that will just never happen. I'm just never gonna be that kind of girl. And you know what it doesn't bother me a bit. I mean I'll watch if he wants to watch and I'll watch the Superbowl (just for the commercials really), but i won't understand it. This is about all I understand... throw/tackle/throw/tackle/throw/tackle/throw/tackle/TD/Kick. And from what I hear everyone knows that much so i'm not far ahead of everyone else LOL.

Anyway I gotta go get food going and bathe kids so they can go to the babysitter's tomorrow while I go get ayden's casts off and get my pictures taken. Yes i'm pretty stoked about it. And no i have no clue what i'm wearing yet. Except the bottom half of me.


Jess said...

She is so beautiful!!! And yeah, I am SO with you on the football thing. I try to watch and follow it with my dh but I end up distracted by the tight pants. LOL. :p

Jackie's Shot said...

What a beautiful photo with the shawl. ~Jackie

Anonymous said...

She is a cutie and I love that photo! I hear you on the football thing..I have watched it for years with my dh and I still don't get it!

Amy said...

Awww! What a cute shot.

S.Kremer said...

Very cute picture:)
Shawna (shawkrem)

Angela2932 said...

This photo is especially beautiful when you click on it and it gets larger! Then you reall can see the beautiful colors, delightful smile, and how nice the colors in the show complement her lovely skin tones!