
Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sweet Pea Elizabeth

SO Elizabeth is now almost 2 weeks old. I would like to share a few of her newborn pictures. She is so very precious. She still looks so tiny. She's gained a little bit of weight. She now weighs 6 pounds and 11 ounces. So she's gained a whole 7 ounces in 2 weeks. YAY grow baby grow.

She's still so little that she fits just perfectly in this cute little basket. Love that little basket of hers. I hunted and I hunted until I found one that I really liked. Of course my oldest son had to make sure I got this one and ONLY this one. I'm happy I did.

I really have this thing for feet. I don't know why probably because of Ayden (my youngest boy). He was born with club feet and had casts on his feet when he was Elizabeth's age. I never got to take any pictures of his little toes until he was about 2 months old. So I over compesate with the other kids now LOL. So here are some little piggies.
I hope to have lots more pictures to share so you can see how she grows. Be on the look out I've gotta photograph the older siblings too. They might feel a little left out soon lol. Hope everyone has a fantastic day.


Anonymous said...

how sweet!!! I need to take Elis 3 mnth pix...he is now 3months and 5 days!!