
Wednesday, July 30, 2008

One very UnHappy Baby

So we put Maddie in the pool yesterday. It was pretty hot around here and the kids haven't been in it in a while due to the only warm warm days was days we weren't home LOL. Well Maddie wasn't sure what to make of it. Now she HATES the bath. Its like the devil to her or something. She used to like it but now not so much anymore.

First we had to check this thing out. Now here we are pretty calm about it. It looks like it might be fun. Not sure how much fun but maybe some fun. We splashed in it a little bit and it seems like its ok for me.

Then we had to just watch everyone else play in it see how they react to it. They seem like they are having fun. But I'm not too sure about this thing yet. Lets see what do we think... what do we think...

Ok time to take the plunge and we HATE IT. It is the devil just like the bathtub is the devil. THIS IS NOT FAIR and what is Daddy doing. He's taking pictures because he knows I have to have pictures of Everything. The good bad and indifferent.

So there ya go. That was our pool experience yesterday. I think when the older kids go in again today that her and I are gonna sit outside on the grass and just play a little bit. Hope everyone has a fantastic day. Hugs to all.


Mandy said...

Oh youngest hated the pool at first as well. I MEAN...she just SCREAMED!!

But...good news...she did grow into had to be her OWN idea to go in though. Go figure.

Jess said...

Awww, poor thing! I think they all go through that "hates the water" stage. Mine all did and now they are all just little fishies that I can never get back OUT of the pool! LOL!

Rachael said...

Oh no! Poor baby. We have that pool and have to put it away and hide it sometimes. If not our son wants to be in it all day every day!

pat said...

Maybe seeing the older kids in there having fun will help change her mind!