
Monday, September 1, 2008

Last bit of fun before surgery tomorrow

This afternoon it was just Ayden and me. So after his very late nap today we went outside to play a little bit. THe people behind us had this huge bounce thing for one of the boy's birthday parties yesterday. He didn't get to go over there yesterday and play but they had it up still today so we went back there today. He had a blast. So here is a few pictures.

Here is him lookin out there wanting to go play with them. You can see a good shot of his feet the ones that need fixed and will be done tomorrow.

Here are two shots of him in the bounce thing. Shockingly got some pretty decent ones. I love the one of him peekin out at us watching him play. So cute.

Tomorrow is a big day for us all around here. We leave here at 4 am. I will be updating on the pea board via Craftyluv. She's offered her phone number for me to call when we are getting settled into the Ronald House. So look there for an update after surgery. We will be there tomorrow night and coming home sometime on Wed. I don't know when we will be getting home. I'll share a pic or two from his hospital stay probably later on Wed night. Hope everyone has a fantastic few days. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers for a safe fast recovery. I would appreciate it so much.


KRISTIE said...

what a precious little baby, i hope all goes well, i will remember you and your little one in my prayers.

Reds said...

Good luck on his surgery - he is a cutie!! Will keep him in my prayers.

Alice Odom said...

I'm sure you've answered this question so many times you're blue in the face but can I ask what's wrong with his little feet??

Becky said...

Prayers that everything goes well. Good luck!

Jess said...

How fun for him, that was so nice of them to let him come bounce! My kids LOVE those things. :)

I will be thinking and praying for him tomorrow for a quick, successful surgery! Update us as soon as you can, but please, take care of Ayden and yourself first, we'll be here when you get back! {{{hugs}}}

Anonymous said...

Great shots! I LOVE that last one of him peeking out! I will be thinking of you guys tomorrow.

--sme said...

What a wonderful childhood activity to celebrate the final night of "normal" you'll have for a time. Best wishes for a speedy recovery from a successful surgery.

Angela2932 said...

I'll be thinking of you and your family tomorrow, and praying for a speedy recovery!

Kristina said...

You've got some great shots here!

Mandy said...

He looks like he is having so so much fun!

Good luck on the surgery today and I am praying for him to have a fast recovery!

Bobbi said...

He is such a sweetheart and I just love that peeking picture too. You are both in my thoughts and prayers I hope everything goes perfectly for the little guy.

Sharon said...

Good luck Ayden!